What Is The Best Accounting Software For Nonprofits?

what is the best accounting software for nonprofits

As a nonprofit organization, managing finances and keeping track of expenses is essential. With the right accounting software, nonprofits can streamline their financial processes and ensure that they are compliant with regulations. But with so many options available, it can be challenging to determine which software is the best fit for your organization.

Key Features to Look for in Accounting Software for Nonprofits

1. Fund Accounting Capabilities

Nonprofits operate differently than for-profit organizations. They rely on donations and grants instead of revenue from sales. Therefore, they require specialized accounting software that can handle fund accounting. Fund accounting allows nonprofits to track and report on individual funds separately, which is crucial for transparency and accountability.

2. Integration with Other Tools

Nonprofits often use multiple tools to manage their operations, such as fundraising and donor management software. Look for accounting software that can integrate with these tools to streamline processes and reduce manual data entry.

3. Compliance with Regulations

Nonprofits must adhere to specific regulations and reporting requirements. Look for accounting software that is compliant with these regulations, such as IRS Form 990 and GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles).

4. User-Friendly Interface

Nonprofits may not have dedicated accounting staff, so it’s essential to choose software that is easy to use and requires minimal training for staff members.

5. Customizable Reporting

Nonprofits need to be able to generate reports that are tailored to their specific needs. Look for accounting software that offers customizable reporting to help track financial performance and communicate with stakeholders.

6. Affordable Pricing

Nonprofits need to be mindful of costs, so it’s important to look for accounting software that is affordable and provides good value for money.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between fund accounting and general accounting?

Fund accounting is a specialized accounting method used by nonprofits and government organizations to track and report on individual funds separately. General accounting, on the other hand, is used by for-profit organizations to track revenue from sales and expenses.

Can accounting software for nonprofits handle payroll?

Some accounting software for nonprofits can handle payroll, but it’s important to check with the vendor to ensure that it meets your organization’s specific needs.

Do nonprofits need to use accounting software?

While nonprofits can manage their finances manually, using accounting software can save time, reduce errors, and provide valuable insights into financial performance.

Is it necessary for accounting software to integrate with donor management software?

Integrating accounting software with donor management software can streamline processes and reduce manual data entry, but it’s not always necessary. It depends on the specific needs of your organization.

Can nonprofits use QuickBooks for accounting?

Yes, nonprofits can use QuickBooks for accounting, but they will need to purchase the nonprofit edition of the software, which includes features such as fund accounting and compliance with regulations.

What is the cost of accounting software for nonprofits?

The cost of accounting software for nonprofits varies depending on the vendor and the specific features included. Some vendors offer discounted pricing for nonprofits, while others offer free or open-source options.

What accounting software do large nonprofits use?

Large nonprofits often use enterprise-level accounting software such as NetSuite, Blackbaud, or Sage Intacct.

Can accounting software for nonprofits handle multiple currencies?

Some accounting software for nonprofits can handle multiple currencies, but it’s important to check with the vendor to ensure that it meets your organization’s specific needs.

Pros of Using Accounting Software for Nonprofits

1. Streamlines financial processes and reduces manual data entry.

2. Provides valuable insights into financial performance and helps track expenses.

3. Ensures compliance with regulations and reporting requirements.

4. Offers customizable reporting to meet the specific needs of your organization.

Tips for Choosing the Best Accounting Software for Nonprofits

1. Determine your organization’s specific accounting needs.

2. Research different vendors and compare features and pricing.

3. Check with the vendor to ensure that the software is compliant with regulations.

4. Look for software that integrates with other tools used by your organization.

5. Consider the level of support and training offered by the vendor.


Choosing the best accounting software for nonprofits requires careful consideration of factors such as fund accounting capabilities, integration with other tools, compliance with regulations, user-friendliness, customizable reporting, and affordable pricing. By choosing the right software, nonprofits can streamline their financial processes, ensure compliance, and gain valuable insights into financial performance.

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